Reading University


  Reading University encourages a habit of daily reading through the use of high quality literature.

Requirements per Quarter

Students will be graded on daily reading minutes & book reports.

20 minutes of independent reading each night, Monday through Friday.

Students must record their reading minutes on the back of their learning plans (LP) in order to receive credit for reading.

Any missed days can be caught up on weekends, total reading minutes is 100 per week.

2 book reports for each quarter 1 in class and 1 at home.

Rubrics will be sent home a week prior to first full point due date.

Due Dates:

Due Dates: For full points: 

Term 1- (9/27) 9/30-10/4

Term 2- (12/6) 12/9-12/13

Term 3- (2/21) 2/24-2/28

Term 4- (5/2) 5/5-5/9

Due Dates: For 15% off total score

Term 1- 10/7-10/11

Term 2-12/16-12/20

Term 3- 3/3-3/7

Term 4- 5/12-5/16

Any turned after the dates above will receive 0 credit.

Term 1 book report= Book choice is: Magic Tree House, Creative format. Drawing, labeling, coloring and using cursive.

Term 2 book report= Book choice is: Award winning book. Minimum 100 page book of student's choice on their reading level, in Report format, written in cursive 

Term 3 book report= Book choice is: Biography, Creative book report format. Colored and written in cursive

Term 4 book report= Book choice is: Book of student's Choice on reading level, Summary format with illustrations. Written in cursive. Pictures are drawn and colored.