LPA Team 2 Grading & Attendance Policy



LPA Team 2 Grading Policies for Groups

Dear Parents,

Team 2 (grades 3-5) is committed to providing the best and most fair education for your child. In an effort to do that, each group teacher follows the same grading policy for Reading, Math, and Spelling. We have provided our policy below so you know what our expectations of your children are. Also included is our policies for absent and late work and codes you will see when you check your child's grades.

We hope this information will assist you in helping your children be prepared for class and achieve their best in school.

Thank you for all your support!

Team 2 Teachers and Instructors


Assignments: Due at the beginning of the next math class. Assignment is considered “late” if student is unprepared at the beginning of class.

Corrections: Students who receive less than an 85% on an assignment must do corrections.

Students receiving 85% or above may do corrections.

Corrections must be done to 100% accuracy.

Grade will be given by averaging the original score and the 100%. The additional points will be recorded as “Bonus Points”, with the note “Corrected”.

Tests: If students receive less than an 85% on a test, concepts will be retaught, and then the student will be retested. Grades are capped at an 85% on a retest.


Assignment/Daily Work: Due at the beginning of the next reading class. Assignment is considered “late” if student is unprepared at the beginning of class.

Tests: Testing will vary depending on group level.

Check-outs: Pass on first try- 100%

Pass on second try- 90%

Didn't pass on second try- 70%


Assignments/Daily Work- Students must be present for Spelling lessons. They are primarily direct instruction and are not available for makeup. If a student misses Spelling lessons, an “I” will appear for their grade..

Tests- If students receive less than an 85% on a test, missed words will be sent home for review, and then the student will be retested. Grades are capped at an 85% on a retest.

Late work: After the original due date, learning plans will be marked with a “Missing Work” stamp and students will be given 1 extra day to turn in work with a cap on their grades of 85%. If work is turned in more than 1 day late, students will receive a 0 on their assignment.

LPA Team 2 Honors Awards for Elementary Grades 3-5

High Honors

Students with all A+ and A’s


Students with A+, A, A-, B+ and B’s

Builders Awards

Each class will choose two students to award as builders. These students should be fine example of students who live above the line and strive for excellence.




 LPA Team 2 Attendance Policy



Excused: For every day a student is absent, one day will be allowed to make up work, with a cap of 3 days.

Examples: 1 day missed, 1 day to make up.

Missed school Monday returned Tuesday, work due Wednesday.

3 days missed, 3 days to make up work.

Missed school Monday returned Thursday,work due following Tuesday.

5 days missed, 3 days to make up work.

Missed one week of school (M-F), work due Thursday.

Unexcused: Work should be collected before absences and is due upon return.

Late work: After the original due date, learning plans will be marked with a “Missing Work” stamp and students will be given 1 extra day to turn in work with a cap on their grades of 85%. If work is turned in more than 1 day late, students will receive a 0 on their assignment.

Bonus Points- Students that do corrections will receive their extra points in the “Bonus Point” category. That way you can see what they actually made on the assignment and the extra points earned.

Penalty Points- When an assignment is late the points lost will be displayed in the “Penalty Points” category and will be followed with a brief explanation of why those points were lost.

Be advised-some assignments will appear as missing when the grade hasnt been entered. If the assignment has a score of 0 points earned this assignment may not apply to your child.

ALL ABSENCES AFFECT YOUR CHILDS ACADEMIC GROWTH. Each day they will be taught several concepts, some are through lectures, and missing one day of school can make it very difficult for your child to stay on task. Please take a look at our school calendar, located on LPA’s homepage, for dates to consider when taking a trip during school time.